
What is the exchange rate of the Mexican peso?
Exchange rates fluctuate per day, so check these when you depart to Mexico to have a more accurate idea. A good website for this is
Vie, 19 Abr, 2019 a 9:46 A. M.
How does the Mexican Peso work?
The Mexican Peso is subdivided in 100 centavos, with coins of 10¢, 20¢, 50¢, $1, $2, $5, $10, and banknotes of $20, $50, $100, $200, $500, and $1000.
Vie, 19 Abr, 2019 a 9:46 A. M.
Is it expensive to travel to Mexico?
Traveling in Mexico is as expensive or cheap as you want it to be. It depends on your tastes and budget. Generally, Mexico is very affordable. But the co...
Vie, 19 Abr, 2019 a 9:47 A. M.
Can you use your bank cards in Mexico?
Major international credit or debit cards (with Maestro, Cirrus, and systems) can be used for payments or to withdraw cash from ATM´s. A transaction fee ...
Vie, 19 Abr, 2019 a 9:47 A. M.
Can you pay in US Dollars in Mexico?
In some touristic destinations, such as Cancun or Los Cabos, you will (often) be able to pay in US Dollars. But keep in mind that Mexico's official c...
Vie, 19 Abr, 2019 a 9:48 A. M.
How much should you give for tips?
Salaries in tourism and the hospitality industry (including restaurants) are often very low; people may depend on receiving tips to supplement their basi...
Vie, 19 Abr, 2019 a 9:48 A. M.
Should you bargain?
Bargaining is important in some situations. For example, when shopping for crafts in souvenir stores or when you visit a market (except for food), they e...
Vie, 19 Abr, 2019 a 9:49 A. M.