If you have unauthorized charges billed to your card or see charges from SAT Mexico that you do not recognize, call us at (+52) (55) 3689 7600, from Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 am till 08:00 pm and on Saturdays from 09:00 am till 02:00 pm (Central Standard Time Mexico), or send an email to bookings@satmexico.com. We will ask a few questions. Please provide the card number, date, and amount (as displayed on your credit card bill), so we can locate the booking. Also, report unauthorized charges to your card company.
If, after reviewing the details of the booking, you do not recognize the charge or believe that it is unauthorized or made fraudulently, we will make a note of the event. If the card was used without your authorization, you should also report this to your card issuer immediately, if necessary ask for a replacement card, and follow any instructions to file a dispute. Following your card company's procedure is important to ensure that the transaction is taken off your card statement. SAT Mexico values your trust and confidence and is committed to working with your card company and with law enforcement.