No. Once a flight is booked, you do not need to reconfirm it. As soon as the booking process is complete, we will send you an email with details of the confirmed booking. This email contains the information that clients need to check in for their flight. You can also view reservations on our website. For assistance in locating an itinerary, please call us at us by calling (+52) (55) 36897600, from Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 am till 08:00 pm and on Saturdays from 09:00 am till 02:00 pm (Central Standard Time Mexico), or send an email to
Do I need to reconfirm an airline booking? Imprimir
Creado por: Jorge Paredes
Modificado en: Jue, 18 Abr, 2019 a 8:02 P. M.
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