If you cancel a flight reservation within 24 hours after booking it, you may receive a full refund. In case you want to cancel your flight reservation, please contact us immediately by calling (+52) (55) 3689 7600 ext. 129, from Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 am till 08:00 pm and on Saturdays from 09:00 am till 02:00 pm (Central Standard Time Mexico), or send an email to bookings@satmexico.com. Please don't forget to mention reservation number, name of passengers, and flight information so we can check your booking and give you better assistance. After 24 hours, if your flight ticket is non-refundable, you will not receive a refund. If you want to rebook a flight instead of canceling, the airline will charge a rebooking fee, and you'll need to pay any difference in fare. Please note that SAT Mexico does not charge you any cancellation fees. Airlines, however, do charge fees and these fees will be passed on to you. For more information about the cancellation policies and possible refunds, you can contact us with the above-mentioned contact details.
Can I cancel a flight reservation? Imprimir
Creado por: Jorge Paredes
Modificado en: Jue, 18 Abr, 2019 a 8:04 P. M.
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